Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Charles II

Charles II was the king of England between 1660 and 1685. He was the son of King Charles I. His restoration to the throne in 1660 when he was 30 years old, was the end of the Republican rule (Commonwealth) in England. When he was 12, his father was part of the Civil War between him and the Parliament. He was named Commander-in-chief in western England when he was 14 years old. After ten years as a king, he was defeated by Cromwell at the battle of Worcester in 1651. As a consequence he was exiled once more. After being in exile, he became King Charles II of England.

In 1670, he signed a secret treaty with France. This helped his reign with economy and politics. In 1681, he dissolved the Parliament following his father example and ruled alone until his death in 1685. On his death bed, he converted to Catholicism!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Royal cousins

What is more important to you: your family or a crown? Elizabeth and Mary Stuart did not actually know the importance of family for they were cousins fighting over the crown of England. What would you have done? Would you reject a throne for a family member? In the movie Elizabeth, we can see the conflict between Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I, Queen of England. Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and Mary Stuart was the daughter of James V of Scotland and great-granddaughter of Henry VII. Catholics did not want Elizabeth in the throne for she was Protestant. Therefore, they claimed that the true heir of England’s throne was Mary Stuart. She also believed herself to be the rightful Queen, so she became part of a scheme created by Phillip II, King of Spain. In the whole, Phillip wanted to have a reason to go to Holy War against England. The reason was given by the death of Mary Stuart.
Elizabeth was a remarkable woman and Queen. I imagine her life was really difficult for all the problems she had in her youth. It is probably hard to forget that your father sent your mother to the scaffold. Besides, it must have been difficult and painful to see that half the country you are fighting for hates you. She even gave up love and never married. I am sure she was in love with Sir Raleigh because he is mentioned in every article about Queen Elizabeth. Her reign was full of sacrifices made for her people.

The movie was very well executed and Cate Blanchett’s performance was outstanding. Her strength was amazing and I shivered every time she faced problems. Elizabeth is an enchanting movie.
Life as a Queen is not a fairy tale.

Monday, October 6, 2008


According to the reading and the video, Stonehenge was a place of healing. Although I know people before believed in all this type of healing places and beliefs without scientific base, it is amazing and quite hard for me to believe this. I believe that people went there in order to be healed because there was no other kind of medicine available for them.
Sometimes we believe in these things because we do not know how to explain certain phenomena that occurs in our countries or continents. In the case of Stonehenge, people believed in its healing powers that is why they travelled many days to arrive to this place.

In our country, we also have this type of beliefs. For example, people go to Los Andes and they sacrifice their bodies to pay tribute to the saint. Is this really necessary? I believe people exagerate with this Faith demonstrations. If we believe in God and Saints, it is not necessary to sacrifice ourselves because God will help us anyway.

Another thing is that this statements are mainly especulations because we do not have records that prove that this actually happened. For this reason, written records are really important. If only the stones would speak., we would know the real truth about Stonehenge.