Monday, October 6, 2008


According to the reading and the video, Stonehenge was a place of healing. Although I know people before believed in all this type of healing places and beliefs without scientific base, it is amazing and quite hard for me to believe this. I believe that people went there in order to be healed because there was no other kind of medicine available for them.
Sometimes we believe in these things because we do not know how to explain certain phenomena that occurs in our countries or continents. In the case of Stonehenge, people believed in its healing powers that is why they travelled many days to arrive to this place.

In our country, we also have this type of beliefs. For example, people go to Los Andes and they sacrifice their bodies to pay tribute to the saint. Is this really necessary? I believe people exagerate with this Faith demonstrations. If we believe in God and Saints, it is not necessary to sacrifice ourselves because God will help us anyway.

Another thing is that this statements are mainly especulations because we do not have records that prove that this actually happened. For this reason, written records are really important. If only the stones would speak., we would know the real truth about Stonehenge.

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