Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who am I?

I have always thought that I do not have much to say about me. My name is Carolina Jiménez. I am 22 years old now! I am from Santiago, although I lived in San Antonio for 8 years, and live with my parents and younger sisters.

I think I have lived a good life with the normal ups and downs. I truly love my family and many times I do not like going out because I rather stay at home with my sisters. I am the older one; therefore, I have always had to be the role model which is something I do not dislike since I am very quiet and academically successful: something all young women ought to be. Anyhow, I feel my younger sister who is 19 feels a lot of pressure to become more successful which does not contribute to a healthy sister-sister relationship.

I love reading so much that I spent some of my free time doing it, but I do many other things too. I like watching films, and dancing. I have been considered by my family a communist and a feminist but I like the latter description better. In my short life, my major achievement has been learning a foreign language. English has completely changed my life and I feel so happy that I have achieved it properly. I am glad that I made the decision of studying English Pedagogy because since the very first class I have felt that this is the right place for me to be.

During my years at the university, I have discovered my biggest flaw: lack of assertiveness. I am too abrupt to say things and people misunderstand me most of the time. Thus, I really want to develop my assertiveness because it is an extremely important concept when dealing and sharing with people. As you know, many times you have to be assertive especially with your students and colleagues, but assertiveness will be helpful in your entire life with every relationship you build. Thus, after you become aware of this problem you need to work on it because it will be essential in life.

University is a place where you encounter many different situations and especially a place where one is changed entirely. In my opinion, I have changed so much, but I like what I see know because I became a more intellectual, independent, passionate and committed person. University has definitely changed my perspectives and without a doubt is the best thing that has happened to me so far!

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